Rounds of security guards are essential and necessary in places where security control is a crucial part of operations, such as manufacturing, mining, security services, and telecommunications. The personnel allocated to this task must complete round on time and in the right places.
Traditional methods of round control are based on the self-control of the surveillance personnel, which means that it is often very difficult to precisely verify the performance of the work, which only allows a rough evaluation of the management and quality of work.
The guard patrolling control system is a system designed to provide efficient and effective management of the rounds of your security guards. This system gives you 100% assurance that a guard performs his patrol functions correctly.
With a simple contactless approach, the reader records the date/time/place where the guard visited each area of the place. You can also record incidents on the route. The information can be downloaded from the reader whenever necessary (every day/ week/month, etc.) and reports can be generated according to guards that patrol.