
July 25, 2013

Time Attendance System and benefits of using it

Keeping track of time spent at work can be very tedious and consumes a lot of time. It’s a professional job not all can do. Over the years keeping track of time off, time at work, scheduled leaves, unscheduled leaves, sick leaves and half work days was done manually, which often resulted in miscalculation and of course a group of disgruntled employees. Although manual time attendance system errors could be manually fixed too, it involved a lot of time and is generally a nightmare for the department that looks after it. The introduction of the time attendance machine at work places has not only taken care of automating attendance systems but has practically created a zero error environment. The hassle of filling out attendance records and manually checking it across data gathered from employee punched time cards was a time consuming and non-rewarding effort.

The use of automated time attendance systems have brought in several positives, not only does it calculate time and attendance of employee work force but also has made payroll an efficient system.  Payroll fraud or the proxy buddy system that most employees use so that they could take home a higher salary as compared to their clocked in work hours is now done away with. With the use of biometric scanners installed in workplaces, there is no room for proxy buddy or payroll fraud since the system calculates data and sends it directly to the administration department.

Unlike hours and even days spent in calculating payroll details by the administrative department, the time attendance machine calculate logged in work hours and attendance almost instantly. Employee absent reports, logged in work hours, time of work, shift details and much more can be analysed with ease since these reports are all generated by the time attendance system. Along with several benefits it also helps in reducing cost for the company and increases productivity, which is a sure short winner for businesses looking at improving their profits.

Further understanding the benefits of time attendance systems for any business or workforce organisation are a few benefits that are listed below.

Increase in Productivity– An installed attendance machine at the work place makes day-to-day business operations and easy and much more efficient. There is an obvious increase in productivity since attendance fraud is practically done away with. Moreover scheduling work hours, shift hours for employees even on a rotational basis becomes much easier since there is a robust tracking system in place. This helps in reducing staffing overhead, ensures employees have their free time and at the same time put in productive work hours. All this is easy since maintaining employee data according to various schedules is now automated and the data is accurate.

Employee satisfaction – Employees not only get what they work for but also since a time attendance machine does away with fudging employee payroll data, pay system is accurate. Moreover since the attendance machine hardly takes any time in sending employee data, paying employees their salary is always accurate and on time. By doing away with time cards and giving every employee access cards, discretion of employees to certain data is maintained and the information is not shared. Employees are not only satisfied but business ethics and important information is kept safe.

Doing away with employee time theft – When systems like the time attendance machine were non-existent employee time theft was rampant, unfortunately companies and businesses had no proof at hand and had no methods at putting an end to it. Adding a few more hours to lunch and dinner breaks, shirking work early without notifying or approval and even fudging data manually by supervisors so that pet employees would take home the maximum salary is now eliminated with the help of the time attendance system. Since employees have access cards that have to be swiped in front of a scanner, access to the company, department area or even cafeteria collection of accurate data is possible. Buddy punching which was another theft coined earlier where employees would ask their colleagues to punch in their in-time for them so that there is no record of their late entry can be done away with. With time attendance systems working only on access cards that carry unique identification codes employees cannot afford to carry on the buddy punch. As soon as the door opens, it shuts allowing entry only to those who have used their access cards.

Increase security at the workplace – Not all employees have access to every area or department in the organisation, unless access is granted. With a biometric time attendance system a company can control employee access to areas which automatically reduces information or asset theft or any type of costly liability or damage to property. For e.g. an employee working in the administrative department can be granted access to the admin department and operations department but not where the IT systems are at work.

Time Attendance System

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