The seaports are critical infrastructures. The risks they face every day are a challenge for the security of each country. Ranging from theft, the entry of weapons, chemicals, human trafficking, terrorism, etc. are increasing. So it is important to be aware of all the critical points where a crime could arise or leave and access any type of illegal merchandise.
The Role of Security Surveillance System at Seaport:

Importance of the Security Surveillance System at Seaport:
Risks and Threats:
There is a very strong control in the ports on land since what is sought is to prevent illegal goods from entering and leaving. So the identification required for those who enter and leave. As well as it is also necessary to follow them up within the facilities to verify that all the people really go to where they indicated they would go and avoid leaving papers or boxes lying in their way.
Regarding the risks in the port perimeter, it is intended to avoid that the parties furthest from the ports are used to steal goods that were not authorized for entry into the country. In order to avoid and stop subtraction of the products that should go through customs legally, it is very important to install a security system in these areas.
Technology for Port Protection:
With the increase in commercial exchange for commercial ports and people for tourist ports, it becomes necessary to have a video surveillance system and access controls to identify potential sources of conflict. Likewise, the advance of technology allows accelerating the times of processes such as the identification of assets, accounting for cargo volumes and people transiting certain spaces.
In port areas, there is an Automatic Identification System which establishes a direct communication with the port. It is different from the traditional alarm and allows the identification of critical situations such as armed attack, terrorism or piracy.

Regarding the electronic systems, there are various functionalities of the surveillance cameras. That make up the security circuit already allow detecting not only intrusions to restricted sectors but also gas leaks or spills of chemicals. These systems are based on video analysis technology and allow, for example, generate a virtual perimeter, scan and observe the waters within the port limit, identify and track people and vessels.
Challenges to the Future:
In spite of the efforts that have been implemented to protect the ports, it is necessary to be constantly updates to keep up with the new crimes. That arises to undermine these spaces. It should update either with the help of technology or through strategies implemented by the port authorities.
The main challenge that constitutes safety in maritime ports is the continuous advance of technologies. That allows a greater and better control of loads, people and facilities. In this sense, UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or drones generate a very interesting opportunity to develop remote viewing systems.
On the other hand, it is also necessary a special attention to technical supervisory equipment. So the port has a video surveillance network around the perimeter and has a highly controlled access system. That allows identifying with exactitude the entrances and exits of the different terminals and security areas.