
April 22, 2020

Instrumentation help for the Mass Screening of COVID-19 Fever- Future ready

Body Temperature Monitoring System

The word Pandemic is being used and is looked up in the dictionary very frequently nowadays. Recently COVID-19 has become a big danger at global, regional, state and individual levels. It is an inescapable fact that this is not the last pandemic we are witnessing in our lifetimes. The medical world is racing against time to develop vaccines for this novel virus, on the other hand the instrumentation world is also making efforts to monitor and decrease the spread of potential viruses. One of the consistent symptoms of infection from such viruses is high fever.

Screening and detection of fever over of large number of people in single screening will soon be a reality. This is not only for the detection of the current COVID-19 which is leaving a great impact on us today. But will also be of great perspective measure of preparedness so that we are not caught unaware the next time. Here is where today’s technology, whether it is artificial intelligence, robotics or the use of thermal infrared cameras come into play.

Thermal Infrared Cameras

An infrared body temperature monitoring system is playing a great role in the detection, monitoring and analyzing the elevated body temperatures over a large area and also helping in controlling the spread of this epidemic today. Such a thermometer has an alarm using a temperature range feature. These thermometers use video/ photographic images to identify the high temperature between humans and for that matter between animals as well.

The epicentre of this crisis these fever detection systems has to be installed at airports, hospitals, malls, factories, stadiums, theatres and areas where large people congregate.

As CCTVs and cameras have become ubiquitous in the world , similarly thermal imaging cameras in all public places has become a necessity in today’s progressive world.

For more information visit our website:-

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