
August 1, 2013

Fingerprint Door Lock System Making Lives Easier!!!

We are much familiar with the lock and key system that secure our homes and lockers. It has been an effective solution to protect our homes and wealth. A simple lock and key is no answer to keeping your valuables and lives safe and here come Fingerprint Door Lock System in the picture. Fingerprint door lock systems provide a better and hassle free security for your house. You might have noticed recent trends and you know that thieves can break open even the niftiest of locks and enter a home or break down a locker. But Fingerprint Door Lock System will be very crucial task for thieve to break. Theft stories in no way make home owners or locker owners feel safe. Furthermore there are several other disadvantages to a simple lock and key. You could lose them, or forget them elsewhere ultimately forcing you to invite a locksmith to break into your own home or locker, which is a huge added and uninvited expense. This is not what today’s generation is looking for, especially since it does not simplify our lives. Imagine a system where you simply shut the door closed and forget about it! Imagine opening the door with a key that you can never loose, never in your lifetime! With the new keyless locking systems for your doors, living stress free has now found a new dimension. The fingerprint door lock system the new lock on the block is devised for ease and simplicity in use. With a fingerprint lock system worrying about not having locked your door or locker will no longer hassle you.

Technology has vowed to make our lives easier it seems, an example being keyless door locks. Not only are they better than traditional key locking systems, but it promises high level of security. The fingerprint door lock system is a simple contraption to the user, it scans your fingerprint and once the system recognises the print, the door unlocks. The bother of carrying a key, locking the lock, remembering to take back your key or have a spare one is no longer there. Users do not even have to keep a spare key with their neighbours or relatives just in case they forget their keys. To understand fingerprint door lock systems, think biometric fingerprint systems in your office. It’s a similar concept, except that the fingerprint door lock system is programmed to your finger and other occupants to your home. Allowing keyless entry and exit from your homes with just a finger scan.

Since every persons fingerprints are unique, although there are a few lines and ridges that change with time, the overall fingerprint does not change. The common lines on your finger are stored in the fingerprint lock device system. Once you scan your finger on the fingerprint door lock it unlocks almost immediately. It is protection for your home, assets, valuables and most important your family members. With the fingerprint door lock system you no longer have to hunt for places to hide your spare key, which is now an act of the past. Rummaging through your home to look for the lock and key before you leave to work will no longer be in one’s agenda. At times when you need to leave your house in a hurry, you can simply walk out and shut the door without having to think twice about it.

It’s been said that the fingerprint door lock system is a mature system than the biometric technology. The fingerprint door lock system is quiet affordable and for an accurate system it’s a huge bonus. Along with security spruced up for your homes, living is easy also because the fingerprint door lock knob is easy to install. In fact those interested in buying the fingerprint lock system and worrying about where to install it since they already have the old lock system installed, can place it in the same place their old door knob was.

Before choosing a fingerprint door lock system, there are a 3 key features you need to look for.

Keypad fingerprint door locking system – Make sure that the fingerprint door lock system has a keypad. With the keypad you need not worry if the keyless door lock system stops working. The keypad allows the user to punch in the secret key code, as set by the user. It also acts as an added security advantage to users since these pin codes need to be unique and can be reset to maintain its exclusivity.

Multiple key prints allowed – A fingerprint door lock system should be able to store fingerprint codes of more than one person. Generally these devices have enough capacity to store multiple fingerprint ids; however you still need to check for this basic. This is useful in case you want to give temporary access to someone visiting your home after which it can be erased.

Power up – Fingerprint door locks system come with a built in battery. It is however advisable to check about their battery requirement, its lifespan and how can you replace it in case you need to.


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