
August 1, 2013

Fingerprint Door Lock System Making Lives Easier!!!

We are much familiar with the lock and key system that secure our homes and lockers. It has been an effective solution to protect our homes and wealth. A simple lock and key is no answer to keeping your valuables and lives safe and here come Fingerprint Door Lock System in the picture. Fingerprint door lock systems provide a […]

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July 29, 2013

Fingerprint Recognition Systems and Its Uses

The most familiar type of biometric technology that we know of is the fingerprint recognition or fingerprint scanner device. Installed in most offices and even homes, these devices have known to cut down on company cost as well as register exact work related information. The fingerprint recognition device today is considered to be the most popular for every environment, home or […]

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July 19, 2013

Fingerprint recognition devices – Ins and Outs Pros and Cons

In recent years fingerprint recognition technology has made huge strides. Even before fingerprint scanners came into existence, fingerprints played a major role in forensic science. Since everyfingerprint is unique, identifying criminals was an easy process, provided it matched with their criminal list of fingerprint database. This similar technology has now further moved forward and is rampantly being used as a Fingerprint […]

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